Welcome to my blog for long-distance running!

If you have visited this blog, chances are, you are a passionate runner, just like me!

In this blog you will find my every-day training regime, including running sessions, biking, callisthenics, preparation for particular races.

Any thoughts, ideas or well-intended and constructive criticism are welcome.

Dienstag, 6. September 2011

dilemma: drop the mileage or not?

This is the question. My running mileage has been steadily increasing in the last 3 weeks, and last week it peaked at 135-138km. I have also continued with my gym sessions focusing on spinning, and my rest consists of a half-day off running every week.
Last night at the gym: 1hr cycling, resistance 7-8, 450kcal; on the treadmill: 1km uphill walk, inclination 7.5, speed 5.5-6.2km/hr; and then 5km run, inclination 1, speed 10.3-10.6km/hr; 2hrs spin class; 12min sauna. The instructor of the second hour spin class was not so good, but I turned on the resistance really high to focus on the workout instead of the bland music.
This morning fortunately there was no rain to hinder my run: 2hrs:15min at the dunes, about 20km. Very strong winds!
Mileage thoughts: continue my schedule until my upcoming vacation to Budapest, which is end of next week, and then in Budapest: run as much as I like on margaret island, and relax/sleep at the spas. Upon return, resume the gym workouts and adjust outdoor running based on autumn conditions.
It sounds like a good plan!

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