Welcome to my blog for long-distance running!

If you have visited this blog, chances are, you are a passionate runner, just like me!

In this blog you will find my every-day training regime, including running sessions, biking, callisthenics, preparation for particular races.

Any thoughts, ideas or well-intended and constructive criticism are welcome.

Mittwoch, 24. August 2011

surprise spin

Yesterday at the gym, I started off with 45min cycling, resistance 7, 18.5km; I then hopped on the treadmill for 23min uphill walk, inclination 7.5, speed 5.5-6.1km/hr. Then I headed to the 45min rpm class, which turned out to be... 50min spin class, warm-up not counting! Super intensive surprise. Combined with a second hour of spin class (which was expected, no surprise there!), had me sleeping in the sauna for almost 30min_ but before that, I did exercises for the arms with 4kg free weights... Leaving the gym I had to do some grocery shopping.
Understandably, this morning I slept in and did not go for a run. It is a wonder how I managed to come to work! This afternoon I will go to the gym for some cycling, weight lifting, uphill walk, spinning - in that exact order! In the beginning of this week I was initially aiming for 2hrs of spinning for Wednesday, but I am worried that this might take its toll on my sleep and run for Thursday morning. Maybe I will do one and a half spin class so I am done by 20:30? We will see!

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