Welcome to my blog for long-distance running!

If you have visited this blog, chances are, you are a passionate runner, just like me!

In this blog you will find my every-day training regime, including running sessions, biking, callisthenics, preparation for particular races.

Any thoughts, ideas or well-intended and constructive criticism are welcome.

Montag, 28. November 2011

new challenges

The past few days at the gym have been full of new challenges: picking up the pace with high resistance on the stationary bike; give it my all in spin and rpm class; rowing with alternating hand grips; going to body pump or weight lifting by myself, including cardio combo of squats and lunges on the step with intervals of weight lifting for the arms. I find this schedule sustainable for the cold winter, considering that I always go to the sauna before and after training. More sleep is also in my daily schedule, which helps a lot with my strained muscles. The next few months are an opportunity for my mind and body to rest from the hard training of the summer which mainly consisted of running mileage.

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