Welcome to my blog for long-distance running!

If you have visited this blog, chances are, you are a passionate runner, just like me!

In this blog you will find my every-day training regime, including running sessions, biking, callisthenics, preparation for particular races.

Any thoughts, ideas or well-intended and constructive criticism are welcome.

Freitag, 11. November 2011

evening power

In the gym, loud music, people-watching, tv channels, bright lights and all the work-outs in full-swing, you almost forget that it's dark and cold outside! A mid-term solution to avoid early winter hybernation?
Yesterday I started off with 18.5km on the treadmill, in 1hr:43min, inclination 1; then 45min rpm class; back on the treadmill for 5.5km in less than 30min, making a total of 24km for the day; and then I did 35min strength training inspired by Negrita Jayde: combo of squats and lunges with free weights, and during the short rest periods I did exercises for the arms. Power! Leaving the gym I went shopping, and I finally arrived home after 22:00...
Today I have a killer trio combo: treadmill session - body pump - spin class. I will return home asap.

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