Welcome to my blog for long-distance running!

If you have visited this blog, chances are, you are a passionate runner, just like me!

In this blog you will find my every-day training regime, including running sessions, biking, callisthenics, preparation for particular races.

Any thoughts, ideas or well-intended and constructive criticism are welcome.

Mittwoch, 31. August 2011

sweat off the tension

Yesterday at the gym was a day full of aerobic sweat: 1hr cycling, resistance 7-8, 435kcal 24km; 15min uphill walk on the treadmill, inclination 7.5, speed 5.5-6km/hr; 45min rpm class; 1hr spin class; 20min weight lifting. I particularly enjoyed lifting weights after all this aerobic exercise, I think it gave the workout an edge! In the end I relaxed for 25min in the sauna.
This morning I knew I would be feeling tired, but I am very disciplined, so I headed out for my run and did not regret: the weather was awesome, perfect conditions for a semi-long run: temperature around 14 C, cloudy and absolutely no wind! My circuit was a very long go and back that I had not done since last autumn, so I was very excited all along the way; in total I ran about 22-22.5km in 2hrs:15min. In the afternoon I will go to the gym and will do my best to do cycling, weight lifting, abs, and stay for the 2hrs spin class: today my favourite instructor will be teaching!

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